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The past few weeks have been a complete whirlwind. We have had some of the highest highs and lowest lows. After getting back from Costa Rica we immediately travelled to Keene, NH for two nights of Twiddle shows and a birthday celebration for Ryan. We decided to bring both Oscar and Chauncey with us on the journey. Ryan was especially excited to bring Chauncey out on stage to meet all of the adoring fans. Looking back at this moment now I am so glad we bought him. Don't get me wrong, at the time it was super stressful! I was so nervous we were going to get kicked out of the hotel for having a duck swimming around in our bathtub! But everything worked out for us and I'm sure it all happened for a reason. I know that the memories of his birthday are ones that we will never forget.

Ryan's Birthday Show in Keene, NH

Oscar and Chauncey hanging out in the Hotel bathroom!

Chauncey on stage

Chauncey was the first pet that Ryan and I had in our relationship. Oscar had been with Ryan for three years before we met, but Chauncey was ours together. I honestly never knew what having a duck would be like. Growing up in New York City for my entire life, I obviously had never met anyone with a pet duck, and the idea to me seemed kind of ridiculous. But over the past two years of having him by our side I have realized that ANY animal can teach you what love is.

A few months ago Ryan was asked to help out with a benefit for Lake Champlain and Chauncey joined in on the cause. The lake is so important to us as Vermonters and any chance we get to help clean and prevent the lake's pollution is one that we jump at. Chauncey became the mascot for the Get Wet 2gether charity shows at Club Metronome in Burlington, and his latest show was Thursday, March 30th. He spent the night quacking around, taking pictures with fans and jamming to the songs of his dad, Wiley Griffin of Teddy Midnight, Mikey Carubba of Turkuaz, and Chris Deangelis of Kung Fu. It was definitely a special night for all of us and we raised a lot of money for the lake. The next morning we were heading to New York City for Twiddle's shows at Playstation Theater so Chauncey got to spend the weekend with his grandparents while we hit the Big Apple.

Chauncey at the Get Wet 2gether benefit at Club Metronome in Burlington, VT

The New York City shows were going to be huge for Twiddle, and Ryan was definitely a little stressed. They were going to be debuting new, never before heard songs of the second chapter of Plump. My family came out along with a ton of our closest friends. We laughed ... and I cried (I get very emotional watching Ryan play #proudwife) ... and everything was such a success. It was truly one of the greatest weekends of the year so far.

When we got back to Vermont we decided it was time for a relaxing evening. After all of the traveling we had been doing we only had a few days left together. Chauncey took a long bath while we got ready to start packing Ryan up for his five week spring tour. The days before tour are always the hardest for me. Knowing that you are going to be away from the person you love for so long is always hard, but I never expected what happened on Wednesday night to happen.


We did everything that we normally do, nothing differently. That is the hardest part ... when you ask yourself "What could I have done?" and the answer is NOTHING. Chauncey was out eating his dinner and was attacked by a coy dog. I can't even tell you what happened next because it all seems like a movie to me. I tried everything I could think of to clean his wounds and stop the bleeding. We drove down two hours to the only vet available in Albany, New York, but it was too late. Our little Chauncey love left the earth.

The past few days have taught me a lot. And one of the most important things I have learned is that anyone can make a huge impact on the world. I never imagined that a duck could have such an effect on people. The outpouring of love for Ryan and I has been overwhelming. I have never received so many kind words. It was extremely difficult leaving Ryan for tour, but seeing photos of fans showing up at the shows this weekend with LUVADUCK and Chauncey gear on made me smile and tear up at the same time. I feel so blessed that all of you take the time out of your days to read what we have to say, to listen to the music, and to share in the special moments in our lives. There is truly nothing like it and I will always be so grateful for all of the love. You have made such a hard time in our lives so much easier <3

xoxo. Alexandra

PS: You can continue to help out in Chauncey's honor by donating to Chauncey's Angel Luvaduck Fund.

This fund will do two things: half of the fund will go to to help rescued animals like himself. And half will go to help clean and protect Vermont's waterways.


Hey guys! My name is

Alexandra Dempsey, I am 31 years old and live in Stowe, Vermont.


I recently decided to start this blog to give you all a look into the life of a tour wife - the highs, the lows, and EVERYTHING in between!


My rock star husband, Ryan Dempsey

of Twiddle, stands by me every step

of the way as we journey on this whirlwind we like to call the "tour life."


Follow along on my travels, hear

stories from fellow tour wives, and

earn about some of my favorite things. Hope you enjoy and

thanks so much for reading!!

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