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Before we head to Levitate Music Festival for the weekend, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the Fourth of July celebrations we had this week. Growing up, Fourth of July was always a special holiday for us. We would head to our house in Upstate New York and watch the fireworks with our cousins and my Grandpa. After moving to Vermont with Ryan it was time to start our own traditions. In Burlington, every year they have the fireworks on July 3rd, making it super easy to have a fun time with friends and not worry about staying up to catch the fireworks after a long day. We headed down to the Waterfront Park just in time to catch the show. Even though we weren't as early as other people who will sit there hours before just to get a good spot we walked down the left side of the crowd and ended up RIGHT IN FRONT! We even had the beautiful backdrop of the ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain. The fireworks lasted about thirty minutes and were absolutely beautiful! Check out the time lapse I captured over on my Instragram page @tourwifetourlife :). I couldn't have been happier to walk up the street and see that our friend Zach Nugent was playing with the Grateful Dead cover band Dead Set at Skinny Pancake. It made the night even better than I would have imagined!

Zach Nugent playing with Dead Set at Skinny Pancake

The crowded streets of Burlington Vermont after the fireworks ended!

The next morning we decided to head out on our friend Brandon's boat (the same one I told you about in my last post)! We had eleven people all together so we definitely were in for a good time. We headed to the cliffs to watch people jump - to my anxiety! - and two of our friends actually took the highest jump! I even let Ryan jump off the one just below the highest but of course he had to show off and do flips and tricks so I kind of freaked out! Haha! Eventually I mustered up the courage to jump off one of the smaller cliffs that was about 20 feet or so. Then we headed back to The Old Dock in Essex, New York for another delicious meal. I couldn't resist getting the Lobster Clam Bake which is my favorite American meal in the summer. We also ordered the special drink of the day which was a red white and blue mixture of alcohols with gummy worms on top. It definitely felt very patriotic! Much to my surprise, as we headed in for the night, we got to see even MORE fireworks being put on by locals around the Point Bay Marina in Charlotte. It was such a beautiful way to celebrate with friends.

The tube broke so they decided to try to get towed by the boat without it! Spoiler: IT DIDN'T WORK

AMAZING Crab Cakes at The Old Dock - these were "the best crab cakes" Ryan has ever had!

Even though things in our country may be disappointing at times, I really do feel proud to be an American. I think this poem that a friend of mine posted definitely sums up a lot of what my family, friends, and followers are feeling so I thought I'd share before I go:

Happy birthday America. My drunk Uncle Sam.

I love you, but you can’t behave this way.

Eventually, people stop putting up with it,

and they might just lose their patience with you. And then no one is going to want to help clean you up

and help you recover when you say mean and nasty and racist things, Or when you throw up all over yourself like you’re doing now.

And even once you’re showered and sober, People remember.

Even when you say “I’m sorry” for picking fights and calling names, People remember that shit.

Maybe switch to water, America, ‘Cuz you’re kinda f*cking up right now, And I’m sick of apologizing for you.

Happy 4th of July.

How did you guys celebrate your fourth of July! Leave me some comments :)

xoxo. Alexandra


Hey guys! My name is

Alexandra Dempsey, I am 31 years old and live in Stowe, Vermont.

I recently decided to start this blog to give you all a look into the life of a tour wife - the highs, the lows, and EVERYTHING in between!

My rock star husband, Ryan Dempsey

of Twiddle, stands by me every step

of the way as we journey on this whirlwind we like to call the "tour life."

Follow along on my travels, hear

stories from fellow tour wives, and

earn about some of my favorite things. Hope you enjoy and

thanks so much for reading!!

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