With everything that is going on in the world these days it can be hard to stay positive! I wanted to share some mantras and affirmations that I found to be inspiring and uplifting - and I hope you feel the same after reading them. The good thing about these messages are that repeating them over and over will really change your way of thinking and become the reality of your life!!! If you want to create change, it starts with YOU. These mantras will prep your brain for such changes by creating less anxiety and stress about them and by giving you the motivation to keep going. I would love if you would share your favorites, too, so please leave them in the comments. Sending all of you love and positive vibes <3

I am lovable
I am worthy
I am limitless
I am who I want to be
I am comfortable being me
I am surrounded in love
I am proud of myself
I am in love with life
I am ready to succeed
I am completely free
I am always growing
I am strong and healthy
I am helpful
I am brave
I am a friend to myself
I am alive
I am the universe
I am enough
I am complete
I believe in myself
I attract beautiful things into my life
I make my dreams into reality
I can make it through anything
I can do anything I set my mind to Amazing things are going to happen My heart is calm
My life is beautiful
My strength is greater than any struggle
I see the beauty in everything
Everything happens for a reason
xoxo. Alexandra